We offer a range of group and individual, introductory or refresher training seminars/workshop in a range of areas, including the following:
  • Employment law issues for Schools/Academies including where applicable: drafting/amending employment contracts for teaching and non-teaching employees, TUPE, fair recruitment and selection and vetting, interviews, the probationary period, dismissing an employee fairly, common mistakes, caselaw and cases studies
  • Equalities issues for Schools/Academies including race, sex, age, religious, sexual orientation and disability discrimination, unfair dismissal, TUPE transfers, data protection, vetting and recruitment, performance appraisals, pay policy, sickness and capability procedures, industrial relations, equal pay
  • Capability procedures including when is the right time to consider applying capability procedures, ensuring the capability procedure is applied fairly, how to dismiss fairly under capability, handling appeals
  • Disciplinary procedures including how to ensure the fair application of  and dismissals under the disciplinary procedure, handling disciplinary appeals
  • Managing Sickness Absence including disability discrimination issues
  • Education issues for Schools/Academies including admissions and exclusions, parental issues
  • Safeguarding and child protection including safeguarding children in schools, safer recruitment practices, managing allegations of abuse against staff and volunteers, preventing and addressing extremism in schools

We use a variety of techniques to engage and stimulate participants and to keep sessions lively and informative, including use of group work or individual work, role play simulation, real-life case studies and Q & A.

We also provide comprehensive powerpoint slides and notes to take away and unlimited post course follow up from participants. Courses are always tailored to the needs, levels of experience and particular legal issues of those attending.